常用汉语 |
1.我是韩国人/日本人/美国人/印尼人/加纳人/英国人/新加坡人/马达加斯加人/喀麦隆人。 I am a Korean/Japanese/American/Indonesian/Ghanaian/British/Singaporean/Madagascan /Cameroonian. 2.请问实验楼/先骕楼在哪里? Excuse me, where is Shiyan Building/Xiansu Building? 3.请问哪里可以买电话卡? Excuse me, where can I buy a telephone card? 4.请问超市怎么走? Excuse me, where is the supermarket? 5.请问中国工商银行/建设银行怎么走? Excuse me, where is Industrial and Commercial Bank of China/Construction Bank of China? 6.请问208/220路汽车总站在哪里? Excuse me , where is the Terminal of Bus No.208/No.220? 7.(对出租车司机)请送我去机场。 (To taxi driver)Would you please take me to the airport? 8.(对出租车司机)请送我去江西师大瑶湖校区。 (To taxi driver)Would you please take me to Yaohu Campus of JXNU? 9. 江西师大新校区在紫阳大道99号。 The new campus of JXNU is in No.99, Ziyang Ave. 10. 我要给我的饭卡餐卡充值五十元。 I want to deposit 50 yuan in my dinner card. 11.我要买一碗饭。 I want to buy a bowl of rice. 12.我要宫爆鸡丁。 I want to buy/eat chicken cubes with peanuts 13.我要煎饼/油条。 I want to buy pancake/oil string 14.我要买这个。 I want to buy this. 15.我要一听可乐/雪碧。 I want to buy a tin of Coco Cola/Sprite. 16.请带我去南昌市公安局出入境管理处公安局外管处好吗?它在南昌市凤凰中大道1866号。 Would you please take me to Exit-Entry Administration Division of Nanchang Public Security Bureau (EEAD of Nanchang PSB)? It locates in No.1866, Middle Avenue , Feng Huang. 17.带我去江西省国际卫生旅行保健中心(南昌市青山湖区顺外路3号) Would you please take me to the Jiangxi International Travel Healthcare Center?(JITHC, No.3,Shunwai Road, Qingshanhu District) 18.送我去江西省第二人民医院/南昌大学第一附属医院。 Please take me to the Second People’ s Hospital of Jiangxi Province/The First Attached. |